Instacart Business Referral Program Terms

Instacart Business referral program offer is subject to Instacart Referral Program Terms. Limit one referral per business address. One year free delivery and 2% credit back benefits are only available to valid business entities who are first-time Instacart users and sign-up for a business account and Instacart+, subject to verification. Instacart+ membership required. By trying Instacart+, you agree to the Instacart+ Terms, and you acknowledge and agree that after your free trial ends, your membership will automatically renew and you will be charged $99/year for an annual Instacart+ membership, which will automatically renew every year to any active payment method you have on file until you cancel. Subscription prices are subject to change. Other fees, taxes and/or tips may apply. You can cancel your subscription on the “Your Instacart+ Membership” page by clicking “Cancel Membership”. You may cancel your annual Instacart+ membership within the first five (5) calendar days of your paid Instacart+ membership term and receive a refund of the Instacart+ membership fee you paid, but only if you have not placed any orders using your Instacart+ membership. If you cancel at any other time, you will not receive a refund, but you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your Instacart+ membership through the end of your paid membership term. With Instacart+, the delivery fee will not be charged on orders over $35 per retailer; delivery subject to availability.  Fees, taxes, and/or tips may still apply. Credit back on business orders over $250 for 1 year and terms apply; excludes alcohol. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Offer may not be combined with other offers. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Instacart and/or certain retailers, may not be available in all zip or post codes.